Perfomance Protective Covers

FBM655M - Installation Instructions | NoviStretch

NoviStretch® Front Bumper Mask

Enclosed in the package you will find:

• FBM655M mask

• Hardware kit containing:

6 snap-head screw studs

6 J-Clips

6 washers (optional)

Adhesive-backed Velcro swatch

2 plastic retaining pins (for 2020 GT350 installation)

• Installation instructions & warranty information

Tools That May Be Required:

• Short-handled Philips screwdriver

• Flat-blade screwdriver

• T20 Torx wrench or driver 

Step #1

Clean the bumper and surfaces under the car and the fender wells thoroughly (tar and grease remover is recommended).

Turn the front wheels to gain easier access to the fender liner mounting screws that you will be replacing.

Step #2

Locate the fender liner mounting pins or screws at the edge of the bumper inside the fender. Remove the three (3) pins that attach the fender liner to the front bumper and best align with the snaps/ buttons on the mask hem.

!! Note: If the location is a Push-Pin attachment and is a male/female assembly, the male piece can be pried loose from the female piece using a flat blade screwdriver. Insert the blade of the screwdriver in the slot at the edge of the pin and twist the screwdriver causing the pin to come free of the female piece. After removing the male piece, the female piece can be easily removed.

Step #3

Spread the fender liner to gain access to the bumper and install a J-clip “nipple side toward the front of the car) at each of the three holes in the bumper.

Note: The J-clip is designed to go around the edge of the fiberglass bumper and serves as the nut for the screw you will be installing.


Step #4

Reposition the fender liner, aligning the holes in the liner with the holes in the bumper. Install the snap head screws. Included washers may be used if needed.

Note: The position of the three OEM screw/pin locations will vary for each Mustang trim (i.e. GT, GT350, GT500, Dark Horse, etc.).

See the following examples:

  • GT500 (no handling package)

GT500 NOTE: When swap the factory screws with the snap-head screws, you will need to remove all factory screws. Pull back the plastic liner, slide the supplied J-Clips over the body panel in positions that best align with the snaps on the mask (see photo), then re-attach the fender liner using the snap-head screws in the new clip locations. Use the factory screws for the remaining locations.

  • GT500 (with handling package)

NOTE: If splitter is present, J-clip goes over body hole in fender/body (behind fender liner and splitter edge).

  • GT350 (2018-2019)

  • GT350 (2020)

NOTE: 2020 GT350: Remove all factory screws, pull back the plastic liner, slide the supplied J-clips over the body panel in positions in the top and middle locations only. The bottom location requires the use of the plastic retaining clip included in the hardware kit. With the J-clips and plastic retainer in position, re-attach the fender liners with snap-heads in all 3 locations.

  • Mach 1

  • S550 GT, CS, Bullitt

  • S650/7th Gen (2024+)

Step #5

Begin the mask installation by fastening the snaps on one end ofthe mask to the screws just installed on the edge of the bumper.

Note: As the position of the three OEM screw/pin locations will vary for each Mustang trim, some “bunching” on the side of the mask may occur when it is installed and is not an issue with performance or securing the mask.

Step #6

Stretch the mask across the front of the bumper and attach to the other side of the car. Note: the tension in the mask is normal and important to the overall performance of the product.

Step #7

Stretching the top corners of the mask, loop the paracord over either the radiator shroud brace post or the hood stop (see below photos).

Note: The choice and availability of locations to secure the paracord loops will vary per Mustang model and year. Use the location that best fits your particular Mustang to secure the top of the mask.

Hood Stop

Radiator Shroud Post

Step #8

Prior to closing the hood, ensure the hem of the mask is tucked under the latching mechanism and does not cover the latch, to avoid tearing the mask.

Step #9

To complete the installation, pull the bottom edge of the mask under the bumper.

Optional: For a tighter fit over splitters or ground effects, find the Velcro strip on the bottom center of the mask. Mark this position on the car and, completely cleaning the mounting surface, install the mating piece of Velcro to the tightness desired.



NoviStretch® covers are constructed from synthetic stretch fabric that will not chafe or damage paint, and have been designed to perform in all weather and road conditions.

It is important that the painted surface be clean prior to installation of the cover. Over time and use, dirt or dust may work its way between the cover and the painted surface.

Regular cleaning of both the cover and surface is essential to provide proper protection.

Severe weather conditions or off-road travel increases the recommended frequency for inspection and cleaning.

Some cosmetic damage (small holes, thinning, fading or discoloration) is expected over time and miles as the mask does its job. However, proper care will maximize product life.

Cleaning & Care Instructions

• The mask can be cleaned by rinsing in water to remove any dirt or debris then squeezing the water out and let air-dry. Wash by hand only.

• Use a concentrated soap solution on areas of the mask that may be particularly dirty. Always ensure areas covered by the mask are clean and free of sand and grit before installing the mask.

• Avoid obstacles and low-clearance areas that may snag and tear the mask.

Intake air temperature (IAT)

When operating with the mask on the car you will note that the Intake air temperature (IAT) may be higher (20-40 degrees) than under normal operation. This is expected and while it can have a slight effect on engine horsepower output it has no adverse effect on engine operation, oil or coolant temperatures.

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